My siblings and I recently made the jaunt up the Santa Barbara area
As our dad is a performing musician, we've been attending this event since we were young,
which makes it doubly enjoyable to go back to the event and recall past years' shenanigans -
dancing carelessly in the dirt, running around barefooted, wielding bubble-wands or streamers,
and laughing ourselves senseless at the sights of some
of the classic festival-goers... and there ARE some classic ones.
It's actually pretty amazing - this event seems to hold the reputation
of removing any and all of the "accepted" sartorial standards
(hence the title of this post: the tie-dye and plaid combo seems to be a popular one),
as well as playing the role of a grounds exempt from social judgement,
which is pretty much how I remember it from my younger days.
Not much has changed since those days, but a few things that I noticed
that have are as follows:
1) The once-classic Birkenstock sandal has now been replaced
by the neo-water-walker, commonly known as the 'barefoot running shoe'...
(No comment.)
2) There is now free wine tasting and
cold beverages on tap in the musician's area.
3) Now that we're 'big-kids', we have the know-how and absolute stealth
to elude the ukulele-playing, straw-hat-wearing security guards,
defeat barricades of barbed wire and rot-oak, and evade thick forests of poison sumac,
all in the name of discovering the perfect swimmin' hole.

{We must have missed the crochet beanie memo}

{parents are...where?}

{communal snacks - the best kind}

{Eat then nap, then repeat, then nap.}
{A sixty-some year-old man made it his duty to jog the premises wielding an electric bubble-gun...}
{My sister put it best - blackberries soaked in wine are better than blackberries not soaked in wine - IT'S SCIENCE.}
{My Wally. Happy Father's Day, Pop}
nearly forty years now, and performing at Live Oak for almost as long.
I may be biased, but it's the truth when I say that they are, by far, my favorite band.}

{prime real estate}

{driving home, with dirt on our feet, and bluegrass in our hearts}
Overall, it's a great event, filled with excellent music and incredibly happy campers...
If you ever find yourself in the area around Father's Day weekend, stop on by -
you'll see what they mean by their ongoing tenet:
Peace. Love. Dirt.