Monday, May 31, 2010


A couple sketches and things.

Inspired by Jeffery Jones.

Acrylic on masonite

Thursday, May 20, 2010


I was recently invited to participate in a local art event
presented by Bacardi, Sutra Lounge and
Sean Faries and Johnny Kenny from Native Lounge.

The idea was to express one's artistic style
on a human canvas.
With 9 hours, Wolfe paints, and some much needed assistance
from my amazing and dedicated sister, Grace, this was the outcome.

I can't say I've ever participated in anything quite like it.

Sunday, May 16, 2010

Recent : Featherhead

For the lovely Miss Amy Covert.
Acrylic on canvas back

Sunday, May 2, 2010


There are so many things that I "should" be doing today,
but I just cannot seem to avert my eyes.

The style, timeless.
The detail, jaw-dropping.
And the shoes...
"Shorpy" Higgenbotham and friends,
Sloss-Sheffield Steel and Iron Co., Jefferson Cty., Alabama: 1910

Clerks, U.S. Patent Office: 1925

Lieutenant Stephen Bonsal Jr.: 1917

Shad fishing on the Potomac: 1920

Slugger: 1939

War gardeners: 1918

Midgets for Coolidge: 1925

Union man: 1938

The Shoe Line: 1943

A girl's best friend: 1943

Lady, Incognito: 1890

People's Drug Store, Washington D.C.: 1921


Saturday, May 1, 2010

HASU : Lotus

Over the past few years,
I've been lucky enough to get to wear wetsuits
made by Nineplus company.

The combination of fit, durablity, and warmth
of these stylish suits have convinced me
that I will never have the need
to look for a new source.